Fred and Crystal

About Fred & Crystal
There are many Realtors out there to choose from, the fact that you are reading this means you are curious to know who we are and what makes us different then any other agent out there. First off, we have a deep appreciate for the Arts and the History in our beautiful SoCal Citrus City.
We put People first. We love what we do because we love to connect, and build relationships with people in our community by bringing value to the classic neighborhoods that made this city Great.
We see the importance of Historical and Custom Architecture and want to ensure that its value and authenticity is appreciated by generations to come.
Being a team makes us more effective. Fred has 30+ years in sales, marketing and contract negotiations, and Crystal is a 10 year practicing Realtor and Interior Designer with an understanding of design trends, staging and Vintage Home Restorations. We have the resources, skills and experience to Highlight your homes best features and get it sold for the most amount possible.
Every Vintage home listed in our community that wasn’t marketed correctly, or shown in its best light brings the value of the neighborhood down. We take pride in our work and want to ensure that our Vintage neighborhoods are appreciated and stand as a tribute to timeless craftsmanship of a by-gone-era.
Fred Gordon 951-545-8846
Crystal Coleman 951-801-0924
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